Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Thats A Wrap

Getting ready for the bricks to go up, anyone want to start bricking? The house got fully wrapped ironically in blue on monday and since then the sky has been grey with storms coming through every afternoon with many suburbs getting stong winds and hail.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Standing on the fence line looking in

After not much for a while, we now have windows in. Bricks onsite and some internals doors in place.

Dave with the dogs. Now as we are getting closer to moving in we decided to start taking the dogs out more to get used to their new backyard once we finish of the back fence within the month we will be able to let them run loose if the bricks are in by then. We concreted in all the posts along the back and side fence line on the weekend thanks to some great friends and family, thanks guys!!!